Product Version: Author: Gary Peterson Date: 11-12-98 Tested On: Windows 95, Windows 95b (OSR2.1), Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 What was changed in Version and why ------------------------------------------- I was asked to change the graphics clock lower limit from 60 mhz to 50 mhz by someone wanting to set a Voodoo2 SLI setup to a lower graphics clock frequency than was supported in version Okay I did it, so now you can set the lower limit all the way down to 50 mhz. See the release notes for version below for a complete explaination of what user selectable clock ranges are and how to use them. If your alreay know what they are and how to use them just take a quick look at the how to info below. HOW DO I INSTALL USING THE USER PROGRAMMABLE RANGES --------------------------------------------------- Simple you run the Installer and pass the lowerlimit() and upperlimit() flags as command line arguments. The flags MUST BE entered as shown in either upper or lower case. Here's a few examples. EXAMPLE 1 - V2OCINST = Normal install EXAMPLE 2 - V2OCINST LOWERLIMIT(90) UPPERLIMIT(95) = Diamond's Range EXAMPLE 3 - V2OCINST LOWERLIMIT(80) UPPERLIMIT(110) = Just that extra bit. EXAMPLE 4 - V2OCINST LOWERLIMIT(50) UPPERLIMIT(120) = Frozen or Burnt. Files Modified: 1) PROPPAGE.C - Changed lower limit to 50 mhz. 2) V2OCINST.C - Changed lower limit to 50 mhz. 3) V2OVRCLK.DEF - Changed file comment. 4) V2OVRCLK.RC - Version resource incremented. 5) V2OCINST.RC - Version resource incremented. 6) README.TXT - Added new version text. ############################################################################# ############################################################################# Product Version: Author: Gary Peterson Date: 07-24-98 Tested On: Windows 95, Windows 95b (OSR2.1), Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 What was changed in Version and why ------------------------------------------- Several people have asked if I would make the Upper and Lower Voodoo2 Graphics Clock limits user programmable. Okay I want everyone to be able to use this utility to their best advantage so I've added the ability to the Installer (V2OCINST.EXE) to tell it what you want the Upper and Lower limits to be. Of course I do want this thing to stay within reason (who defines that?) so I check the Upper and Lower limits you pass to the Installer and force them to stay within a reasonable (very wide) range. Okay so what are these ranges? Well I've been asked for a very wide range so I gave it to you, PLEASE DON'T DESTROY YOUR BOARD JUST TO SEE HOW FAST IT CAN RUN. The Lower Limit range is (60-85), the Upper Limit range is (95-120). If you can't destroy your board with these settings I don't know why ??? If you just want to install the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page in it's default mode just do as you always have and simply run V2OCINST.EXE and it will be installed with the normal limits of (85-105). NOTE: Both the Installer and Property Page enforce the upper and lower limits. So if you pass out of range values to the installer they'll be reset to stay within the allowed range. If you modify the registry settings for the limits they'll also will be reset. I control the horizontal and vertical, so just sit back and enjoy the freedom to modify the limits but I'll be watching for you hackers :). HOW DO I INSTALL USING THE USER PROGRAMMABLE RANGES --------------------------------------------------- Simple you run the Installer and pass the lowerlimit() and upperlimit() flags as command line arguments. The flags MUST BE entered as shown in either upper or lower case. Here's a few examples. EXAMPLE 1 - V2OCINST = Normal install EXAMPLE 2 - V2OCINST LOWERLIMIT(90) UPPERLIMIT(95) = Diamond's Range EXAMPLE 3 - V2OCINST LOWERLIMIT(80) UPPERLIMIT(110) = Just that extra bit. EXAMPLE 4 - V2OCINST LOWERLIMIT(60) UPPERLIMIT(120) = Frozen or Burnt. Files Modified: 1) PROPPAGE.C - Added upper and lower limit code. 2) V2OVRCLK.RC - Version resource incremented. 3) V2OCINST.C - Added upper and lower limit code. 4) V2OCINST.RC - Version resource incremented. 5) README.TXT - Added new version text. ############################################################################# ############################################################################# Product Version: Author: Gary Peterson Date: 07-16-98 Tested On: Windows 95, Windows 95b (OSR2.1), Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 What was changed in Version and why ------------------------------------------- Several people mentioned to me that after installing my Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page that the Windows Display Properties panel was larger than before and asked if I could resize my panel so it wouldn't increase the size of the normal Display Properties panel. After checking the report I found that my panel does indeed increase the size of the normal Display Properties panel. I used a sample template to design my property page and didn't think to check the size of it compared to ones that normally show up in the Display Properties panel. I don't overclock any of my stuff and only wrote the panel to learn how to write a Property Page and was more interested in getting the code to work that watching for a size problem. Sorry about that. The panel has been resized to fit within the normal size of the Windows Display Properties panel and does indeed look better. Files Modified: 1) V2OVRCLK.RC - Resized all controls and incremented version resource. 2) V2OCINST.RC - Incremented version resource. 3) README.TXT - Added new version text. KNOWN ISSUE: A problem has been reported when using the Voodoo2 Overclock Property page with a Diamond Monster 3D II and using the Diamond Driver set. After adjusting the graphics clock above or below the settings allowed by the Diamond Driver set, when the Display Properties panel is closed the Diamond Panel code will reset the clock value to maintain it within their range (90 - 95). There is no way at this time to solve this problem since the Diamond Panel code is resetting the clock after my panel is done. It's been reported that using the 3Dfx Reference drivers fixes this problem because they don't support overclocking and don't check for an out of range clock value when the Display Properties panel is closed. ############################################################################# ############################################################################# Product Version: Author: Gary Peterson Date: 07-13-98 Tested On: Windows 95, Windows 95b (OSR2.1), and Windows NT 4.0 What was changed in Version and why ------------------------------------------- Recently 3Dfx removed the Glide and D3D option that allowed you to turn on and off the 'Don't sync buffer swaps to monitor refresh rate' setting from their reference driver property page. I understand this was because of a Microsoft WHQL Testing Lab requirement. I was asked to add this option to my Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page so users not wanting to mess with the Windows Registry can still use them. So I've added two additional check boxes that allow you to easily turn on and off the 'Don't sync buffer swaps to monitor refresh rate' setting for Glide and D3D. The following Windows Registry keys are added and deleted to turn on and off the 'Don't sync buffer swaps to monitor refresh rate' setting. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3Dfx Interactive\Voodoo2\Glide\FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3Dfx Interactive\Voodoo2\D3D\SSTV2_SWAPINTERVAL Files Modified: 1) PROPPAGE.C - Check Boxes and windows registry function calls added. 2) V2OVRCLK.RC - Check Boxes added and version resource incremented. 3) V2OCINST.RC - Version resource incremented. 4) README.TXT - Added new version text and modified header. ############################################################################# ############################################################################# Product Version: Author: Gary Peterson Date: 06-20-98 Tested On: Windows 95, Windows 95b (OSR2.1), and Windows NT 4.0 What was changed in Version and why ------------------------------------------- Michael Avanessian reported a bug when trying to install the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page under Windows NT 4.0. The first version was only tested under Windows 95 since I didn't have a machine available running Windows NT 4.0 to test it on. So it was unknown if it would work under Windows NT 4.0. The following bug was reported and fixed. BUG: Run V2OCINST.EXE under Windows NT 4.0 to install the Voodoo2 Overclock Propery Page and although the program said it installed it didn't work. FIX: The installer (V2OCINST.EXE) is a Win32 'C' program that creates a path to the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page DLL (V2OVRCLK.DLL) and writes the necessary entries into the Windows Registry. Although it worked under Windows 95 it failed to create all the necessary Windows Registry entries under Windows NT 4.0. The problem was the Windows API calls that creates and deletes Windows Registry entries failed under Windows NT 4.0. The following two function calls needed to be modified to work under Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. 1) RegCreateKeyEx() - When calling this function Windows NT 4.0 required the KEY_SET_VALUE security access attribute to be set to allow the next function call RegSetValueEx() to set the actual registry value. 2) RegDeleteKey() - Windows NT will not allow this function to delete SubKeys. So a second call was added to delete the InProcServer32 SubKey under the CLSID main key before deleting the CLSID main key. Files Modified: 1) V2OCINST.C - Registry function calls modified. 2) V2OCINST.RC - Version resource incremented. 3) README.TXT - Added new version text. ############################################################################# ############################################################################# Product Version: Author: Gary Peterson Date: 05-13-98 Tested On: Windows 95 and Windows 95b (OSR2.1) What is the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page ------------------------------------------- The Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page is a FREEWARE product that allows you to adjust the Graphics Clock setting of both Glide and Direct3D for any Voodoo2 based Graphics Board. It does this by adding a Property Page to the Windows 95 Display Properties. How do I use the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page ------------------------------------------------ To use the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page open the Windows 95 Display Properties by right clicking on the Desktop and choosing Properties from the Menu. After the Display Properties opens click the Voodoo2 OC Tab at the top. From there just use the Glide and Direct3D Sliders to adjust the Graphics Clock setting and the Link Sliders Checkbox to allow separate adjustment of each if desired. The Factory Default Pushbutton will set both the Glide and Direct3D Graphics Clock to the Factory recommended 90 MHz. The current setting for Glide and Direct3D is displayed just above the Link Sliders checkbox. Can I use the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page in my machine ----------------------------------------------------------- If you have less than 12 Tabs in the Windows 95 Display Properties you can use it. Windows 95 limits the number of property pages to 12, so if you have 11 or less you can use it. Why does the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page allow underclocking ---------------------------------------------------------------- After showing a beta version to a contact of mine he suggested changing the range from (90 - 100) to (85 - 105) so I did it. This way you can run your chips really cool or fry them !!! Or maybe you just want to slow down your games so your friend with the *other* brand of 3D card won't be so embarassed :). What files should I have ------------------------ 1) README.TXT (this file) 2) V2OCINST.EXE 3) V2OVRCLK.DLL How do I Install the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page ---------------------------------------------------- Copy both files (v2ocinst.exe and v2ovrclk.dll) to any directory you choose. Both files MUST stay in the same directory for the Install\Uninstall feature to work. After the files are copied simply run the V2OCINST.EXE program while Windows 95 is running, you will get a small dialog box that informs you that either the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page has been INSTALLED or UNINSTALLED depending on whether or not it is currently installed. Simply put, if the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page is NOT installed it will be installed, if it IS installed it will be uninstalled. I HATE programs that touch my registry, what does this thing do --------------------------------------------------------------- The install program creates a path to the V2OVRCLK.DLL in the directory it's running from and adds two registry keys to allow it be found when you open the Windows 95 Display Properties. The following keys are added to your precious registry :). HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{5721F8C1-E998-11d1-87A0-0080C72FCE4A} HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Controls Folder\Display\Shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\Voodoo2 Overclock There are subkeys and values associated with both of these keys to allow Windows 95 to find and use the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page. If the install program is ran after the Voodoo2 Overclock Property Page is installed it will look for these keys and delete them. DISCLAIMER ---------- I am not responsible for ANYTHING associated with using this program. It is FREEWARE and you can use it, give it to someone else, or distribute it. The factory default setting for the 3Dfx Voodoo2 chipset is 90 MHz and setting it above this my cause overheating or failure. WHO AM I AND WHY DID I WRITE THIS --------------------------------- A 3Dfx Voodoo and Voodoo2 user and software engineer. I wrote it to give to you, I don't overclock my Computer, Voodoo or Voodoo2 cards. So if you enjoy this, want to report a bug (god forbid), or just want to say thanks you can email me at (