/* 2004.02.01 first released source code for IOMP */ /* * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 the xine project * * This file is part of xine, a free video player. * * xine is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * xine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * * $Id: qt_decoder.c,v 1.2 2003/11/25 04:26:02 georgedon Exp $ * * quicktime video/audio decoder plugin, using win32 dlls * most of this code comes directly from MPlayer * authors: A'rpi and Sascha Sommer * * rv40 support by Chris Rankin <cj.rankin@ntlworld.com> */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "bswap.h" #include "xine_internal.h" #include "audio_out.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "qtx/qtxsdk/components.h" #include "wine/windef.h" #include "wine/ldt_keeper.h" /* * This version of the macro avoids compiler warnings about * multiple-character constants. It also does NOT assume * that an unsigned long is 32 bits wide. */ #ifdef FOUR_CHAR_CODE # undef FOUR_CHAR_CODE #endif #define FOUR_CHAR_CODE(a,b,c,d) (uint32_t)( ((unsigned char)(a)<<24) | \ ((unsigned char)(b)<<16) | \ ((unsigned char)(c)<<8) | \ (unsigned char)(d) ) /* #define LOG */ /* * * part 0: common wine stuff * ========================= * */ HMODULE WINAPI LoadLibraryA(LPCSTR); FARPROC WINAPI GetProcAddress(HMODULE,LPCSTR); int WINAPI FreeLibrary(HMODULE); /* some data is shared inside wine loader. * this mutex seems to avoid some segfaults */ static pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static pthread_mutex_t win32_codec_mutex; extern char *win32_def_path; static void init_routine(void) { #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_decoder: init_routine\n"); #endif pthread_mutex_init (&win32_codec_mutex, NULL); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_decoder: init_routine completed\n"); #endif } #define BUFSIZE 1024*1024 /* * * part 1: audio decoder * ===================== * */ typedef struct OpaqueSoundConverter* SoundConverter; typedef unsigned long UnsignedFixed; typedef uint8_t Byte; typedef struct SoundComponentData { long flags; OSType format; short numChannels; short sampleSize; UnsignedFixed sampleRate; long sampleCount; Byte * buffer; long reserved; }SoundComponentData; typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC1)(long flag); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC2)(const SoundComponentData *, const SoundComponentData *, SoundConverter *); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC3)(SoundConverter sc); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC4)(void); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC5)(SoundConverter sc, OSType selector,void * infoPtr); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC6)(SoundConverter sc, unsigned long inputBytesTarget, unsigned long *inputFrames, unsigned long *inputBytes, unsigned long *outputBytes ); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC7)(SoundConverter sc, const void *inputPtr, unsigned long inputFrames, void *outputPtr, unsigned long *outputFrames, unsigned long *outputBytes ); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC8)(SoundConverter sc, void *outputPtr, unsigned long *outputFrames, unsigned long *outputBytes); typedef int (__cdecl* LPFUNC9)(SoundConverter sc) ; typedef struct { audio_decoder_class_t decoder_class; } qta_class_t; typedef struct qta_decoder_s { audio_decoder_t audio_decoder; int codec_initialized; int output_open; xine_stream_t *stream; HINSTANCE qtml_dll; xine_waveformatex wave; uint8_t out_buf[1000000]; LPFUNC1 InitializeQTML; LPFUNC2 SoundConverterOpen; LPFUNC3 SoundConverterClose; LPFUNC4 TerminateQTML; LPFUNC5 SoundConverterSetInfo; LPFUNC6 SoundConverterGetBufferSizes; LPFUNC7 SoundConverterConvertBuffer; LPFUNC8 SoundConverterEndConversion; LPFUNC9 SoundConverterBeginConversion; SoundConverter myConverter; SoundComponentData InputFormatInfo, OutputFormatInfo; int InFrameSize; int OutFrameSize; long FramesToGet; int frame_size; uint8_t data[BUFSIZE]; int data_len; int num_frames; ldt_fs_t *ldt_fs; } qta_decoder_t; #ifdef LOG static void qta_hexdump (char *buf, int length) { int i; printf ("qt_audio: ascii contents>"); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = buf[i]; if ((c >= 32) && (c <= 128)) printf ("%c", c); else printf ("."); } printf ("\n"); printf ("qt_audio: complete hexdump of package follows:\nqt_audio: 0x0000: "); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = buf[i]; printf ("%02x", c); if ((i % 16) == 15) printf ("\nqt_audio: 0x%04x: ", i+1); if ((i % 2) == 1) printf (" "); } printf ("\n"); } #endif static void qta_init_driver (qta_decoder_t *this, buf_element_t *buf) { int error; unsigned long InputBufferSize=0; /* size of the input buffer */ unsigned long OutputBufferSize=0; /* size of the output buffer */ unsigned long WantedBufferSize=0; /* the size you want your buffers to be */ int mode; this->FramesToGet = 0; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: init_driver... (trying to lock mutex...)\n"); #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&win32_codec_mutex); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: init_driver... (mutex locked)\n"); #endif this->ldt_fs = Setup_LDT_Keeper(); this->qtml_dll = LoadLibraryA("qtmlClient.dll"); if (this->qtml_dll == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed to load dll\n" ); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); xine_message(this->stream, XINE_MSG_LIBRARY_LOAD_ERROR, "qtmlClient.dll", NULL); return; } this->InitializeQTML = (LPFUNC1)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "InitializeQTML"); if ( this->InitializeQTML == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed geting proc address InitializeQTML\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->SoundConverterOpen = (LPFUNC2)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "SoundConverterOpen"); if ( this->SoundConverterOpen == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address SoundConverterOpen\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->SoundConverterClose = (LPFUNC3)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "SoundConverterClose"); if ( this->SoundConverterClose == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address SoundConverterClose\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->TerminateQTML = (LPFUNC4)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "TerminateQTML"); if ( this->TerminateQTML == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address TerminateQTML\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->SoundConverterSetInfo = (LPFUNC5)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "SoundConverterSetInfo"); if ( this->SoundConverterSetInfo == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address SoundConverterSetInfo\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->SoundConverterGetBufferSizes = (LPFUNC6)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "SoundConverterGetBufferSizes"); if ( this->SoundConverterGetBufferSizes == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address SoundConverterGetBufferSizes\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->SoundConverterConvertBuffer = (LPFUNC7)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "SoundConverterConvertBuffer"); if ( this->SoundConverterConvertBuffer == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address SoundConverterConvertBuffer1\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->SoundConverterEndConversion = (LPFUNC8)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "SoundConverterEndConversion"); if ( this->SoundConverterEndConversion == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address SoundConverterEndConversion\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->SoundConverterBeginConversion = (LPFUNC9)GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "SoundConverterBeginConversion"); if ( this->SoundConverterBeginConversion == NULL ) { printf ("qt_audio: failed getting proc address SoundConverterBeginConversion\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: Standard init done you may now call supported functions\n"); #endif error = this->InitializeQTML(6+16); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: InitializeQTML:%i\n",error); #endif if (error) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } this->OutputFormatInfo.flags = this->InputFormatInfo.flags = 0; this->OutputFormatInfo.sampleCount = this->InputFormatInfo.sampleCount = 0; this->OutputFormatInfo.buffer = this->InputFormatInfo.buffer = NULL; this->OutputFormatInfo.reserved = this->InputFormatInfo.reserved = 0; this->OutputFormatInfo.numChannels = this->InputFormatInfo.numChannels = this->wave.nChannels; this->InputFormatInfo.sampleSize = this->wave.wBitsPerSample; this->OutputFormatInfo.sampleSize = 16; this->OutputFormatInfo.sampleRate = this->InputFormatInfo.sampleRate = this->wave.nSamplesPerSec; switch (buf->type) { case BUF_AUDIO_QDESIGN1: this->InputFormatInfo.format = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Q','D','M','C'); this->stream->meta_info[XINE_META_INFO_AUDIOCODEC] = strdup("QDesign Music Codec v1 (QT DLL)"); break; case BUF_AUDIO_QDESIGN2: this->InputFormatInfo.format = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Q','D','M','2'); this->stream->meta_info[XINE_META_INFO_AUDIOCODEC] = strdup("QDesign Music Codec v2 (QT DLL)"); break; case BUF_AUDIO_QCLP: this->InputFormatInfo.format = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Q','c','l','p'); this->stream->meta_info[XINE_META_INFO_AUDIOCODEC] = strdup("Qualcomm Purevoice Codec (QT DLL)"); break; default: printf ("qt_audio: fourcc for buftype %08x ?\n", buf->type); abort (); } this->OutputFormatInfo.format = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('N','O','N','E'); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: input format:\n"); qta_hexdump (&this->InputFormatInfo, sizeof (SoundComponentData)); printf ("qt_audio: output format:\n"); qta_hexdump (&this->OutputFormatInfo, sizeof (SoundComponentData)); printf ("qt_audio: stsd atom: \n"); qta_hexdump ((unsigned char *)buf->decoder_info_ptr[2], buf->decoder_info[2]); #endif error = this->SoundConverterOpen (&this->InputFormatInfo, &this->OutputFormatInfo, &this->myConverter); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: SoundConverterOpen:%i\n",error); #endif if (error) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } if ((buf->decoder_info[2] > 0x38) && (buf->decoder_info[2] != 0x64)) { error = this->SoundConverterSetInfo (this->myConverter, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('w','a','v','e'), ((unsigned char *)buf->decoder_info_ptr[2]) + 0x38); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: SoundConverterSetInfo:%i\n",error); #endif if (error) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } } WantedBufferSize = this->OutputFormatInfo.numChannels*this->OutputFormatInfo.sampleRate*2; error = this->SoundConverterGetBufferSizes (this->myConverter, WantedBufferSize, &this->FramesToGet, &InputBufferSize, &OutputBufferSize); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: SoundConverterGetBufferSizes:%i\n", error); printf ("qt_audio: WantedBufferSize = %li\n", WantedBufferSize); printf ("qt_audio: InputBufferSize = %li\n", InputBufferSize); printf ("qt_audio: OutputBufferSize = %li\n", OutputBufferSize); printf ("qt_audio: this->FramesToGet = %li\n", this->FramesToGet); #endif this->InFrameSize = (InputBufferSize+this->FramesToGet-1)/this->FramesToGet; this->OutFrameSize = OutputBufferSize/this->FramesToGet; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: FrameSize: %i -> %i\n", this->InFrameSize, this->OutFrameSize); #endif error = this->SoundConverterBeginConversion (this->myConverter); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: SoundConverterBeginConversion:%i\n",error); #endif if (error) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: opening output.\n"); #endif switch (this->wave.nChannels) { case 1: mode = AO_CAP_MODE_MONO; break; case 2: mode = AO_CAP_MODE_STEREO; break; case 4: mode = AO_CAP_MODE_4CHANNEL; break; case 5: mode = AO_CAP_MODE_5CHANNEL; break; case 6: mode = AO_CAP_MODE_5_1CHANNEL; break; default: printf ("qt_audio: help, %d channels ?!\n", this->wave.nChannels); abort (); } this->frame_size = this->wave.nChannels * this->wave.wBitsPerSample / 8; this->output_open = this->stream->audio_out->open(this->stream->audio_out, this->stream, this->wave.wBitsPerSample, this->wave.nSamplesPerSec, mode) ; this->codec_initialized = 1; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: mutex unlock\n"); #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); } static void qta_decode_data (audio_decoder_t *this_gen, buf_element_t *buf) { qta_decoder_t *this = (qta_decoder_t *) this_gen; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: decode buf=%08x %d bytes flags=%08x pts=%lld\n", buf, buf->size, buf->decoder_flags, buf->pts); #endif if (buf->decoder_flags & BUF_FLAG_HEADER) { memcpy (&this->wave, buf->content, sizeof (xine_waveformatex)); this->wave.nChannels = buf->decoder_info[3]; this->wave.wBitsPerSample = buf->decoder_info[2]; this->wave.nSamplesPerSec = buf->decoder_info[1]; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: header copied\n"); #endif } else if (buf->decoder_flags & BUF_FLAG_SPECIAL) { #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: special buffer\n"); #endif if (buf->decoder_info[1] == BUF_SPECIAL_STSD_ATOM) { #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: got stsd atom -> init codec\n"); #endif if (!this->codec_initialized) { qta_init_driver (this, buf); } if (!this->codec_initialized) this->stream->stream_info[XINE_STREAM_INFO_AUDIO_HANDLED] = 0; } } else if( this->codec_initialized ) { memcpy (&this->data[this->data_len], buf->content, buf->size); this->data_len += buf->size; if ((this->InFrameSize != 0) && (this->data_len > this->InFrameSize)) { int num_frames = this->data_len / this->InFrameSize; long out_frames, out_bytes; int error, frames_left, bytes_sent; Check_FS_Segment(); pthread_mutex_lock(&win32_codec_mutex); error = this->SoundConverterConvertBuffer (this->myConverter, this->data, num_frames, this->out_buf, &out_frames, &out_bytes); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: decoded %d frames => %d frames (error %d)\n", num_frames, out_frames, error); #endif this->data_len -= this->InFrameSize * num_frames; if (this->data_len>0) memmove (this->data, this->data+num_frames*this->InFrameSize, this->data_len); frames_left = out_frames; bytes_sent = 0; while (frames_left>0) { audio_buffer_t *audio_buffer; int nframes; audio_buffer = this->stream->audio_out->get_buffer (this->stream->audio_out); nframes = audio_buffer->mem_size / this->frame_size; if (nframes > frames_left) nframes = frames_left; memcpy (audio_buffer->mem, this->out_buf+bytes_sent, nframes * this->frame_size); audio_buffer->vpts = buf->pts; buf->pts = 0; /* only the first buffer gets the real pts */ audio_buffer->num_frames = nframes; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: sending %d frames, %d frames left\n", nframes, frames_left); #endif this->stream->audio_out->put_buffer (this->stream->audio_out, audio_buffer, this->stream); bytes_sent += nframes*this->frame_size; frames_left -= nframes; } } } } static void qta_reset (audio_decoder_t *this_gen) { } static void qta_discontinuity (audio_decoder_t *this_gen) { } static void qta_dispose (audio_decoder_t *this_gen) { qta_decoder_t *this = (qta_decoder_t *) this_gen; int error; unsigned long ConvertedFrames=0; unsigned long ConvertedBytes=0; if( this->codec_initialized ) { error = this->SoundConverterEndConversion (this->myConverter,NULL, &ConvertedFrames,&ConvertedBytes); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: SoundConverterEndConversion:%i\n",error); #endif error = this->SoundConverterClose (this->myConverter); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_audio: SoundConverterClose:%i\n",error); #endif Restore_LDT_Keeper(this->ldt_fs); this->ldt_fs = NULL; } if (this->output_open) this->stream->audio_out->close (this->stream->audio_out, this->stream); this->output_open = 0; free (this); } static audio_decoder_t *qta_open_plugin (audio_decoder_class_t *class_gen, xine_stream_t *stream) { qta_decoder_t *this ; this = (qta_decoder_t *) xine_xmalloc (sizeof (qta_decoder_t)); this->audio_decoder.decode_data = qta_decode_data; this->audio_decoder.reset = qta_reset; this->audio_decoder.discontinuity = qta_discontinuity; this->audio_decoder.dispose = qta_dispose; this->stream = stream; this->output_open = 0; return (audio_decoder_t *) this; } /* * qta plugin class */ static char *qta_get_identifier (audio_decoder_class_t *this) { return "qta"; } static char *qta_get_description (audio_decoder_class_t *this) { return "quicktime audio decoder plugin"; } static void qta_dispose_class (audio_decoder_class_t *this) { free (this); } static void *qta_init_class (xine_t *xine, void *data) { qta_class_t *this; config_values_t *cfg; pthread_once (&once_control, init_routine); this = (qta_class_t *) malloc (sizeof (qta_class_t)); this->decoder_class.open_plugin = qta_open_plugin; this->decoder_class.get_identifier = qta_get_identifier; this->decoder_class.get_description = qta_get_description; this->decoder_class.dispose = qta_dispose_class; cfg = xine->config; win32_def_path = cfg->register_string (cfg, "codec.win32_path", WIN32_PATH, _("path to win32 codec dlls"), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); return this; } static uint32_t audio_types[] = { BUF_AUDIO_QDESIGN1, BUF_AUDIO_QDESIGN2, BUF_AUDIO_QCLP, 0 }; static decoder_info_t qta_dec_info = { audio_types, /* supported types */ 5 /* priority */ }; /* * * part 2: video decoder * ===================== * */ typedef struct { video_decoder_class_t decoder_class; char *qt_codec_path; } qtv_class_t; typedef struct qtv_decoder_s { video_decoder_t video_decoder; qtv_class_t *cls; xine_stream_t *stream; HINSTANCE qtml_dll; xine_bmiheader bih; double ratio; int codec_initialized; uint8_t *plane; uint8_t data[BUFSIZE]; int data_len; /* ComponentDescription desc; */ /* for FindNextComponent() */ ComponentInstance ci; /* codec handle */ /* CodecInfo cinfo;*/ /* for ImageCodecGetCodecInfo() */ /* Component prev=NULL; */ /* ComponentResult cres; */ CodecCapabilities codeccap; /* for decpar */ CodecDecompressParams decpar; /* for ImageCodecPreDecompress() */ /* ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities icap; // for ImageCodecInitialize() */ Rect OutBufferRect; /* the dimensions of our GWorld */ GWorldPtr OutBufferGWorld; /* a GWorld is some kind of description for a drawing environment */ ImageDescriptionHandle framedescHandle; /* function pointers */ Component (*FindNextComponent) (Component prev, ComponentDescription* desc); OSErr (*GetComponentInfo) (Component prev, ComponentDescription* desc, Handle h1,Handle h2,Handle h3); long (*CountComponents) (ComponentDescription* desc); OSErr (*InitializeQTML) (long flags); OSErr (*EnterMovies) (void); ComponentInstance (*OpenComponent) (Component c); ComponentResult (*ImageCodecInitialize) (ComponentInstance ci, ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities * cap); ComponentResult (*ImageCodecBeginBand) (ComponentInstance ci, CodecDecompressParams * params, ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord * drp, long flags); ComponentResult (*ImageCodecDrawBand) (ComponentInstance ci, ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord * drp); ComponentResult (*ImageCodecEndBand) (ComponentInstance ci, ImageSubCodecDecompressRecord * drp, OSErr result, long flags); ComponentResult (*ImageCodecGetCodecInfo) (ComponentInstance ci, CodecInfo *info); ComponentResult (*ImageCodecPreDecompress)(ComponentInstance ci, CodecDecompressParams * params); ComponentResult (*ImageCodecBandDecompress)(ComponentInstance ci, CodecDecompressParams * params); PixMapHandle (*GetGWorldPixMap) (GWorldPtr offscreenGWorld); OSErr (*QTNewGWorldFromPtr)(GWorldPtr *gw, OSType pixelFormat, const Rect *boundsRect, CTabHandle cTable, /*GDHandle*/void* aGDevice, /*unused*/ GWorldFlags flags, void *baseAddr, long rowBytes); OSErr (*NewHandleClear)(Size byteCount); ldt_fs_t *ldt_fs; } qtv_decoder_t; #ifdef LOG static void qtv_hexdump (char *buf, int length) { int i; printf ("qt_video: ascii contents>"); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = buf[i]; if ((c >= 32) && (c <= 128)) printf ("%c", c); else printf ("."); } printf ("\n"); printf ("qt_video: complete hexdump of package follows:\nqt_video: 0x0000: "); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = buf[i]; printf ("%02x", c); if ((i % 16) == 15) printf ("\nqt_video: 0x%04x: ", i+1); if ((i % 2) == 1) printf (" "); } printf ("\n"); } #endif /* * qt codec loader */ static void qtv_init_driver (qtv_decoder_t *this, buf_element_t *buf) { long result = 1; ComponentResult cres; ComponentDescription desc; Component prev=NULL; CodecInfo cinfo; /* for ImageCodecGetCodecInfo() */ ImageSubCodecDecompressCapabilities icap; /* for ImageCodecInitialize() */ ImageDescription *id; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: init_driver... (trying to lock mutex...)\n"); #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&win32_codec_mutex); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: mutex locked\n"); #endif this->ldt_fs = Setup_LDT_Keeper(); this->qtml_dll = LoadLibraryA("qtmlClient.dll"); if (this->qtml_dll == NULL ) { printf ("qt_video: failed to load dll\n" ); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); xine_message(this->stream, XINE_MSG_LIBRARY_LOAD_ERROR, "qtmlClient.dll", NULL); return; } this->InitializeQTML = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "InitializeQTML"); this->EnterMovies = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "EnterMovies"); this->FindNextComponent = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "FindNextComponent"); this->CountComponents = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "CountComponents"); this->GetComponentInfo = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "GetComponentInfo"); this->OpenComponent = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "OpenComponent"); this->ImageCodecInitialize = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "ImageCodecInitialize"); this->ImageCodecGetCodecInfo = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "ImageCodecGetCodecInfo"); this->ImageCodecBeginBand = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "ImageCodecBeginBand"); this->ImageCodecPreDecompress = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "ImageCodecPreDecompress"); this->ImageCodecBandDecompress = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "ImageCodecBandDecompress"); this->GetGWorldPixMap = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "GetGWorldPixMap"); this->QTNewGWorldFromPtr = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "QTNewGWorldFromPtr"); this->NewHandleClear = GetProcAddress (this->qtml_dll, "NewHandleClear"); if (!this->InitializeQTML || !this->EnterMovies || !this->FindNextComponent || !this->ImageCodecBandDecompress){ printf ("qt_video: invalid qt DLL!\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: calling InitializeQTML...\n"); #endif result = this->InitializeQTML(6+16); /* result=InitializeQTML(0); */ #ifdef LOG printf("qt_video: InitializeQTML returned %d\n",result); #endif /* result=EnterMovies(); */ /* printf("EnterMovies->%d\n",result); */ memset(&desc,0,sizeof(desc)); desc.componentType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('i','m','d','c'); desc.componentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('S','V','Q','3'); desc.componentManufacturer=0; desc.componentFlags=0; desc.componentFlagsMask=0; #ifdef LOG printf("qt_video: Count = %d\n", this->CountComponents(&desc)); #endif prev = this->FindNextComponent(NULL,&desc); if(!prev){ printf("Cannot find requested component\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); return; } #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: Found it! ID = 0x%X\n",prev); #endif this->ci = this->OpenComponent(prev); printf ("qt_video: this->ci=%p\n",this->ci); memset (&icap,0,sizeof(icap)); cres = this->ImageCodecInitialize (this->ci, &icap); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: ImageCodecInitialize->%p size=%d (%d)\n", cres,icap.recordSize,icap.decompressRecordSize); #endif memset(&cinfo,0,sizeof(cinfo)); cres = this->ImageCodecGetCodecInfo (this->ci, &cinfo); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: Flags: compr: 0x%X decomp: 0x%X format: 0x%X\n", cinfo.compressFlags, cinfo.decompressFlags, cinfo.formatFlags); printf ("qt_video: Codec name: %.*s\n", ((unsigned char*)&cinfo.typeName)[0], ((unsigned char*)&cinfo.typeName)+1); #endif /* make a yuy2 gworld */ this->OutBufferRect.top = 0; this->OutBufferRect.left = 0; this->OutBufferRect.right = this->bih.biWidth; this->OutBufferRect.bottom = this->bih.biHeight; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: image size %d x %d\n", this->bih.biWidth, this->bih.biHeight); printf ("qt_video: stsd (%d bytes):\n", buf->decoder_info[2]) ; qtv_hexdump ((unsigned char *)buf->decoder_info_ptr[2], buf->decoder_info[2]); #endif { uint8_t *stdata = ((unsigned char *)buf->decoder_info_ptr[2]); int stdata_len = buf->decoder_info[2]; id=malloc (8+stdata_len) ; /* trak->stdata_len); */ id->idSize = 4+stdata_len; id->cType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('S','V','Q','3'); id->version = BE_16 (stdata+0x08); id->revisionLevel = BE_16 (stdata+0x0C); id->vendor = BE_32 (stdata+0x10); id->temporalQuality = BE_32 (stdata+0x14); id->spatialQuality = BE_32 (stdata+0x18); id->width = BE_16 (stdata+0x1C); id->height = BE_16 (stdata+0x1E); id->hRes = BE_32 (stdata+0x20); id->vRes = BE_32 (stdata+0x24); id->dataSize = BE_32 (stdata+0x28); id->frameCount = BE_16 (stdata+0x2C); memcpy(&id->name,stdata+0x2D,32); id->depth = BE_16 (stdata+0x4E); id->clutID = BE_16 (stdata+0x50); if (stdata_len>0x56) memcpy (((char*)&id->clutID)+2, stdata+0x52, stdata_len-0x52); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: id (%d bytes)\n", stdata_len); qtv_hexdump (id, stdata_len); #endif } #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: ImageDescription size: %d\n", id->idSize); qtv_hexdump (id, id->idSize); #endif this->framedescHandle = (ImageDescriptionHandle) this->NewHandleClear (id->idSize); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: framedescHandle = %x\n", this->framedescHandle); #endif memcpy (*this->framedescHandle, id, id->idSize); /* * alloc video plane */ this->plane = malloc (this->bih.biWidth * this->bih.biHeight * 3); result = this->QTNewGWorldFromPtr(&this->OutBufferGWorld, kYUVSPixelFormat, /*pixel format of new GWorld==YUY2 */ &this->OutBufferRect, /*we should benchmark if yvu9 is faster for svq3, too */ 0, 0, 0, this->plane, this->bih.biWidth*2); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: NewGWorldFromPtr returned:%d\n", 65536-(result&0xffff)); #endif this->decpar.imageDescription = this->framedescHandle; this->decpar.startLine = 0; this->decpar.stopLine = (**this->framedescHandle).height; this->decpar.frameNumber = 1; this->decpar.matrixFlags = 0; this->decpar.matrixType = 0; this->decpar.matrix = 0; this->decpar.capabilities = &this->codeccap; this->decpar.accuracy = codecNormalQuality; this->decpar.port = this->OutBufferGWorld; this->decpar.srcRect = this->OutBufferRect; this->decpar.transferMode = srcCopy; this->decpar.dstPixMap = **this->GetGWorldPixMap (this->OutBufferGWorld);/*destPixmap; */ cres = this->ImageCodecPreDecompress (this->ci, &this->decpar); #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: ImageCodecPreDecompress cres=0x%X\n", cres); #endif this->data_len = 0; this->codec_initialized = 1; this->stream->video_out->open (this->stream->video_out, this->stream); pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); } static void qtv_decode_data (video_decoder_t *this_gen, buf_element_t *buf) { qtv_decoder_t *this = (qtv_decoder_t *) this_gen; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: decode_data, flags=0x%08x, len=%d, pts=%lld ...\n", buf->decoder_flags, buf->size, buf->pts); #endif if (buf->decoder_flags & BUF_FLAG_HEADER) { #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: copying bih\n"); #endif memcpy (&this->bih, buf->content, sizeof (xine_bmiheader)); this->ratio = (double)this->bih.biWidth / (double)this->bih.biHeight; /* video decoder only handles SVQ3 at this point */ this->stream->meta_info[XINE_META_INFO_VIDEOCODEC] = strdup("Sorenson Video 3 (QT DLL)"); } else if (buf->decoder_flags & BUF_FLAG_SPECIAL) { #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: special buffer\n"); #endif if (buf->decoder_info[1] == BUF_SPECIAL_STSD_ATOM) { #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: got stsd atom -> init codec\n"); #endif if (!this->codec_initialized) { qtv_init_driver (this, buf); } if (!this->codec_initialized) this->stream->stream_info[XINE_STREAM_INFO_VIDEO_HANDLED] = 0; } } else if (this->codec_initialized) { #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: actual image data\n"); #endif memcpy (&this->data[this->data_len], buf->content, buf->size); this->data_len += buf->size; #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: got %d bytes in buffer\n", this->data_len); #endif if (buf->decoder_flags & BUF_FLAG_FRAME_END) { ComponentResult cres; vo_frame_t *img; Check_FS_Segment(); pthread_mutex_lock(&win32_codec_mutex); this->decpar.data = this->data; this->decpar.bufferSize = this->data_len; (**this->framedescHandle).dataSize=this->data_len; cres = this->ImageCodecBandDecompress (this->ci, &this->decpar); ++this->decpar.frameNumber; pthread_mutex_unlock(&win32_codec_mutex); if (cres&0xFFFF){ printf("qt_video: ImageCodecBandDecompress cres=0x%X (-0x%X) %d :(\n", cres,-cres,cres); } img = this->stream->video_out->get_frame (this->stream->video_out, this->bih.biWidth, this->bih.biHeight, this->ratio, XINE_IMGFMT_YUY2, VO_BOTH_FIELDS); img->pts = buf->pts; img->duration = buf->decoder_info[0]; img->bad_frame = 0; xine_fast_memcpy (img->base[0], this->plane, this->bih.biWidth*this->bih.biHeight*2); img->draw(img, this->stream); img->free(img); this->data_len = 0; } } #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: decode_data...done\n"); #endif } static void qtv_flush (video_decoder_t *this_gen) { /* qtv_decoder_t *this = (qtv_decoder_t *) this_gen; */ #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: flush\n"); #endif } static void qtv_reset (video_decoder_t *this_gen) { /* qtv_decoder_t *this = (qtv_decoder_t *) this_gen; */ } static void qtv_discontinuity (video_decoder_t *this_gen) { /* qtv_decoder_t *this = (qtv_decoder_t *) this_gen; */ } static void qtv_dispose (video_decoder_t *this_gen) { qtv_decoder_t *this = (qtv_decoder_t *) this_gen; if (this->codec_initialized) { this->stream->video_out->close(this->stream->video_out, this->stream); this->codec_initialized = 0; Restore_LDT_Keeper(this->ldt_fs); this->ldt_fs = NULL; } #ifdef LOG printf ("qt_video: dispose\n"); #endif free (this); } static video_decoder_t *qtv_open_plugin (video_decoder_class_t *class_gen, xine_stream_t *stream) { qtv_class_t *cls = (qtv_class_t *) class_gen; qtv_decoder_t *this ; this = (qtv_decoder_t *) xine_xmalloc (sizeof (qtv_decoder_t)); this->video_decoder.decode_data = qtv_decode_data; this->video_decoder.flush = qtv_flush; this->video_decoder.reset = qtv_reset; this->video_decoder.discontinuity = qtv_discontinuity; this->video_decoder.dispose = qtv_dispose; this->stream = stream; this->cls = cls; return &this->video_decoder; } /* * qtv plugin class */ static char *qtv_get_identifier (video_decoder_class_t *this) { return "qtvdec"; } static char *qtv_get_description (video_decoder_class_t *this) { return "quicktime binary-only codec based video decoder plugin"; } static void qtv_dispose_class (video_decoder_class_t *this) { free (this); } /* * some fake functions to make qt codecs happy */ #if 0 static void codec_path_cb (void *data, xine_cfg_entry_t *cfg) { qtv_class_t *this = (qt_class_t *) data; this->qt_codec_path = cfg->str_value; } #endif static void *qtv_init_class (xine_t *xine, void *data) { qtv_class_t *this; config_values_t *cfg = xine->config; win32_def_path = cfg->register_string (cfg, "codec.win32_path", WIN32_PATH, _("path to win32 codec dlls"), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); #ifdef LOG printf ("qtv_init_class...\n"); #endif pthread_once (&once_control, init_routine); this = (qtv_class_t *) xine_xmalloc (sizeof (qtv_class_t)); this->decoder_class.open_plugin = qtv_open_plugin; this->decoder_class.get_identifier = qtv_get_identifier; this->decoder_class.get_description = qtv_get_description; this->decoder_class.dispose = qtv_dispose_class; return this; } /* * exported plugin catalog entry */ static uint32_t qtv_supported_types[] = { BUF_VIDEO_SORENSON_V3, 0 }; static decoder_info_t qtv_dec_info = { qtv_supported_types, /* supported types */ 1 /* priority */ }; plugin_info_t xine_plugin_info[] = { /* type, API, "name", version, special_info, init_function */ { PLUGIN_VIDEO_DECODER | PLUGIN_MUST_PRELOAD, 15, "qtv", XINE_VERSION_CODE, &qtv_dec_info, qtv_init_class }, { PLUGIN_AUDIO_DECODER | PLUGIN_MUST_PRELOAD, 13, "qta", XINE_VERSION_CODE, &qta_dec_info, qta_init_class }, { PLUGIN_NONE, 0, "", 0, NULL, NULL } };