#define _BULK_DATA_LEN 64 typedef struct { unsigned char data[_BULK_DATA_LEN]; unsigned int size; unsigned int pipe; }bulk_transfer_t,*pbulk_transfer_t; #define DABUSB_MINOR 240 /* some unassigned USB minor */ #define DABUSB_VERSION 0x1000 #define IOCTL_DAB_BULK _IOWR('d', 0x30, bulk_transfer_t) #define IOCTL_DAB_OVERRUNS _IOR('d', 0x15, int) #define IOCTL_DAB_VERSION _IOR('d', 0x3f, int) #ifdef __KERNEL__ typedef enum { _stopped=0, _started } driver_state_t; typedef struct { struct semaphore mutex; struct usb_device *usbdev; wait_queue_head_t wait; wait_queue_head_t remove_ok; spinlock_t lock; atomic_t pending_io; driver_state_t state; int remove_pending; int got_mem; int total_buffer_size; unsigned int overruns; int readptr; int opened; struct list_head free_buff_list; struct list_head rec_buff_list; } dabusb_t,*pdabusb_t; typedef struct { pdabusb_t s; struct urb *purb; struct list_head buff_list; } buff_t,*pbuff_t; typedef struct { wait_queue_head_t wait; } bulk_completion_context_t, *pbulk_completion_context_t; #define _DABUSB_IF 2 #define _DABUSB_ISOPIPE 0x09 #define _ISOPIPESIZE 16384 #define _BULK_DATA_LEN 64 // Vendor specific request code for Anchor Upload/Download // This one is implemented in the core #define ANCHOR_LOAD_INTERNAL 0xA0 // EZ-USB Control and Status Register. Bit 0 controls 8051 reset #define CPUCS_REG 0x7F92 #define _TOTAL_BUFFERS 384 #define MAX_INTEL_HEX_RECORD_LENGTH 16 #ifndef _BYTE_DEFINED #define _BYTE_DEFINED typedef unsigned char BYTE; #endif // !_BYTE_DEFINED #ifndef _WORD_DEFINED #define _WORD_DEFINED typedef unsigned short WORD; #endif // !_WORD_DEFINED typedef struct _INTEL_HEX_RECORD { BYTE Length; WORD Address; BYTE Type; BYTE Data[MAX_INTEL_HEX_RECORD_LENGTH]; } INTEL_HEX_RECORD, *PINTEL_HEX_RECORD; #endif