/* * Copyright 2002 Momentum Computer Inc. * Author: Matthew Dharm <mdharm@momenco.com> * * include/asm-mips/mv64340-dep.h * Board-dependent definitions for MV-64340 chip. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. */ #ifndef __MV64340_DEP_H__ #define __MV64340_DEP_H__ #include <asm/addrspace.h> /* for KSEG1ADDR() */ #include <asm/byteorder.h> /* for cpu_to_le32() */ extern unsigned long mv64340_base; #define MV64340_BASE (mv64340_base) /* * Because of an error/peculiarity in the Galileo chip, we need to swap the * bytes when running bigendian. */ #define MV_WRITE(ofs, data) \ *(volatile u32 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs)) = cpu_to_le32(data) #define MV_READ(ofs, data) \ *(data) = le32_to_cpu(*(volatile u32 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs))) #define MV_READ_DATA(ofs) \ le32_to_cpu(*(volatile u32 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs))) #define MV_WRITE_16(ofs, data) \ *(volatile u16 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs)) = cpu_to_le16(data) #define MV_READ_16(ofs, data) \ *(data) = le16_to_cpu(*(volatile u16 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs))) #define MV_WRITE_8(ofs, data) \ *(volatile u8 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs)) = data #define MV_READ_8(ofs, data) \ *(data) = *(volatile u8 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs)) #define MV_SET_REG_BITS(ofs,bits) \ (*((volatile u32 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs)))) |= ((u32)cpu_to_le32(bits)) #define MV_RESET_REG_BITS(ofs,bits) \ (*((volatile u32 *)(MV64340_BASE+(ofs)))) &= ~((u32)cpu_to_le32(bits)) #endif