============ Release Note ============ 1.12 1.Add AMD K8 (V3.0) AGP driver to support for winxp/2000/98/ME. 2.fix winXP/2K AGP driver install problem when using 8X card on SiS648. 3.fix 8X workaround on newer 648 with PCI-PCI device id 0002. 4.fix win98/ME 8X problem after hibernating on SiS648. 5.modify AGP8X delay for initialization problems. 6.add winXP/2K/98 hibernation restore for SiS755. 1.13.01 1.use HAL call to avoid HT problem in PCI configuration for winXP/2K. 2.avoid invalidate GTLB operation on HT platform for winXP/2K. 1.13.02 1.Add an option of AgpForIDE133Set for ATA133 set in setup.ini. 2.Add an option of USBRegSet for USB patch set in setup.ini 3.update win98/ME AGP driver to 1.13.01 1.13.03 1.add sisagp utility to change rate and show AGP information. 2.add htpatch for HyperThreading fix. 3.fix win2000 uninstall problem(not removing driver). 1.13.03b 1.Fix the bug of showing "SIS IDE DRIVER" after completing uninstallation. 1.13a 1. Add MPS3 option for ME install issue. 2. Logo driver. 1.13b 1. Add 98/98se check for MSI OHCI issue. 1.13c 1. Update HTpatch v1.1 for SiS650 issue. 1.13.05 1.remove 8X workaround code from sisagp. 1.14.01 1. Add setup-s.bat for silent install. 2. Fix 98/ME S3/S4 CPU register 90 enable bit issue. 1.14.02 1. Fix M650 winXP/2k S3 restart problem. 2. Fix AgpSiSSetRate function in winXP/2k driver. 1.15.01 1. Add SiS652 support in win98/ME. 2. Default initial case to 648 instead of failure in winXP/2K/ME/98. 3. SiS648 A0,A1,A2 and SiS655 A0 use R1.12 driver for winXP/2K. 1.15.02 1.Fix the bug(htpatch) of causing keyboard hang in command prompt mode when OS install without APIC. 1.15.03 1.Modify sisagp win98/ME driver uninstall method to fix the problem of not showing correct driver info. 2.SiS648 A0,A1,A2 and SiS655 A0 use R1.12 driver for win98/ME. 1.16.01 1.Use uagp35 code for win2K/XP to support SiS AGPv3.5 chipset and previous one. 2.Add win98/ME AGPv3.5 support. 3.Update win98/ME driver install method for OS getting driver info. 4.Update agputil to v1.1 1.16.02 1.Update htpatch to patch only those systems needed. 1.16.03 1.Fix win98 driver setup sisagp.cat not found problem. 1.16.04 1.Modify sisagp.inf for win98 driver version display. 1.17.01 1.Add SiS760 support in winXP/2k/ME/98 and assume devid 755-790 for AMD K8 in winXP/2k driver. 2.Add SiS661 support in winME/98 driver INF. 1.17.02 1.Add DEVID 762/663 in winME/98 INF in advance. 1.17.03 1.Fix winME/98 aperture size error for 661(AGP35). 1.17.04 1.Add SiS K8 AGPID<3.5 support for 760/76X. 1.17d 1.Fix for S1/S3 issue in win98/ME. 1.17e 1.Fix S1/S3/S4 issue for 651C(AGP3.5) in win98/ME. (Please refer to bug18) 1.19.00 1.Support Windows Server 2003 driver(v1.17h). 1.Remove Rtlxxx registry function in sisagp for win2003(v1.17h). 2.Upgrade InstallShield 7.0 for AGPsetup. 3.Remove agputil and htpatch from AGPsetup package. 1.19a.00 1.Fix sisagp uninstallation fail issue. 1.19b.00 1.Fix Quanta driver uninstall issue.