; File: cs3tips.txt ; ; $Header: $ ; ; Copyright (c) 1997 Corex Technologies Corp., Cambridge, MA ; All rights reserved. ; This file contains "tip of the day" messages for CardScan. A tip ; of the day is a short message that very briefly describes an obscure ; or hidden feature. The goal is to introduce users to useful features ; that might otherwise go unnoticed. ; ; In addition to the brief message, a tip of the day can lead the user ; to a more detailed instructions in the on-line help or other ; documentation. ; The tips are this file are listed sequentially and are preceded by ; a simple header. The header serves two purposes; it marks the beginning ; of a tip, and it provides optional information about the tip, such ; as, a help topic number or a title string. ; ; In the tip header, you can enter the number of a help topic that ; supplies additional information about the tip's subject. When this ; number is provided, CardScan displays a button labeled "More Info" ; that the user can click to bring up the help topic. ; ; In addition to the help topic number, you can enter a short title ; to display at the top of the tip window. If this title is provided, ; CardScan appends it to the normal tip window title. Keep the title ; string to eight words to less to ensure it will fit in the tip window. ; The syntax for the tip header is: ; ; $[help-topic-number],[title]$ ; ; Remember, both the help topic number and the title are optional. The ; simplest tip header omits both the help topic number and the title. For ; example, ; ; $$ ; ; If the title is present and the help topic number is not, you must ; include the comma as a place-holder. For example, ; ; $,Using XYZ Feature$ ; ; Otherwise, you can omit the comma leaving just the help topic number. ; For example, ; ; $1000$ ; Here are some guidelines for writing tips: ; ; Limit the tip message to a maximum of 50 words because longer tips ; might not fit inside the tip window. ; ; CardScan displays the tips sequentially. So new users won't be ; presented with information designed for more advanced users, put ; the tips for new users first, followed by tips for intermediate ; and then advanced users. ; ; To separate a tip message into paragraphs, insert a blank line ; between the two paragraphs. ; ; To put private comment in the tip message for future tip authors, ; put the comment immediately after the tip header and put a semi-colon ; as the first character on the comment line. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $, Welcome$ Welcome to CardScan! Even an expert CardScan user may find a good tip If you turn off the Tip of the Day, it is available from the Help menu. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Balloon help$ CardScan's Balloon help accompanies every feature in the CardScan window and dialogs. Just point at a feature, and a brief description pops up. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Online help$ CardScan's online help contains detailed information about every feature in CardScan. It is available from the Help menu, via the Help icon on the Toolbar, via Help buttons in the dialog boxes and Wizards, and by pressing F1. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,User Guide$ An online copy of the "Getting Started" guide is available from the Help menu. The guide is in the PDF format, which requires the Adobe Acrobat Viewer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Scan international cards$ You can scan and process business cards not only from the United States but also from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Germany, France, Mexico, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Scanning cards$ CardScan does not require that you process the scanned cards immediately. It saves all the images, and reminds you about them every time you start the program. To process the saved images at any time by choosing the Process command from the Card menu. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Scanning cards$ It is good practice to calibrate your scanner periodically. You can do this via the Scanner Setup Wizard (on the Tools menu) or via Preferences (on the Edit menu). ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Toolbars$ The File Bar--located directly above the Contact List--displays the names of all files that are currently open. The filenames appear in the order the files have been open. To view a file, click its name on the File Bar. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Toolbars$ The QuickAccess Bar--located directly below CardScan menus--contains buttons that serve as shortcuts to several frequently used functions. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Toolbars$ You can quickly find contacts starting with the same letter by clicking that letter on the Letter Bar, a vertical bar to the left of the Contact List. To view search results for each open file, click the filename on the File Bar. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Toolbars$ The Status Bar--located at the bottom of the CardScan window--provides brief comments on what is displayed in the window. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Toolbars$ You can hide the File Bar, Letter Bar, QuickAccess Bar, and Status Bar--and display them again, as needed. From the View Menu, choose the Toolbar command, and then click the name of the toolbar to hide or display it. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Contact List$ At the bottom of the Contact List, CardScan tells you the total number of contacts in the file. When CardScan lists only some contacts in the file, it also tells you how many contacts are currently displayed. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Contact List$ You can hide the Contact List by clicking the Hide icon--to the right of the Contact List title. To redisplay the Contact List, choose the Contact List command from the View menu. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $, Web Updates$ You can download CardScan's latest information and product updates from our Web site automatically. From the Tools menu, choose CardScan Updates. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Sort the cards$ You can sort the List view by any field. Just click the column heading (e.g., Name, Company, Phone number) to make it the sorting criterion. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Verifying$ CardScan flags unverified cards in the list with question marks. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Verifying$ In unverified contacts, CardScan brings to your attention any field it suspects of inaccuracy. The suspect fields are highlighted in both the Edit view and the card image. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Verifying$ When you place the cursor in a field in the Edit view, CardScan highlights the corresponding part of the card's image. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Sort by verified$ You can quickly find unverified contacts in your CardScan file. From the Sort menu, select the By Verified command. All the unverified contacts are displayed at the top of the list. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Sorting$ You can easily tell how the contacts in the list are sorted. CardScan indicates which field is the sorting criterion by underlining the column head. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Resize list columns$ You can resize the columns in the List view. Move the mouse pointer over the edge of the column. When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, drag the edge of the column. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Customize list columns$ You can customize the List view to display information you need. From the View menu, select the Customize List command. Use the displayed dialog to add, remove, and change the order of the fields as you want them to appear in the List view. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Enter six additional phone numbers$ You can enter up to eight phone numbers for one contact. Click the triangle next to the Phone field to display two extra lines where you can enter more phone numbers. Repeat this step to enter up to six additional phone numbers. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Custom label phone numbers$ You can assign labels (up to 31 characters) to phone numbers. Click on the blank space to the left of the phone number, and type a new label or choose one from the drop-down list. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Enter six additional email addresses$ You can enter up to eight email or Web addresses for one contact. Click the triangle next to the Email field to display two extra lines where you can enter more email or Web addresses. Repeat this step to enter up to six additional addresses. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Custom label email addresses$ You can assign labels (up to 31 characters) to email addresses. Click on the blank space to the left of the email address and type a new label or choose one from the drop-down list. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Custom label phone numbers and email addresses$ With every file CardScan provides drop-down lists of phone and email labels. You can choose labels from CardScan's lists or edit these lists to add, rename, or delete any but a few reserved labels. From the Edit menu, choose the Labels command. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Enter a 2nd Address$ If there are two addresses on the card, CardScan places each in a separate field. You can also type a second address in the designated field. Click the triangle next to the Address field to open the 2nd Address field. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Open multiple files$ You can open multiple files simultaneously. From the File menu, select the Open command, and choose a file. The names of all open files appear in the File Bar--located in the upper part of the CardScan window, directly above the Contact List. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Navigation between cards$ In the Edit view, you can move to the next contact--up or down--by clicking the corresponding arrow above the Name field. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Navigation between cards$ You can move between contacts in the file by pressing the Page Up and Page Down keys. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Navigation between pages in long lists$ You can move between pages of long lists by pressing the Page Up and Page Down keys. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Backup feature$ You can safeguard your contacts by creating backup files and saving them to another, removable medium. From the File menu, choose the Maintenance command, then choose the Backup command--and follow the Backup Wizard. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Backup feature$ The Backup feature allows you to create a compact backup file by excluding the images. From the File menu, choose the Maintenance command, then choose the Backup command--and follow the Backup Wizard. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Backup CardScan.net$ You can safeguard your contacts saving files to your private, secure account on CardScan.Net. This also enables you to to access your contact information from anywhere, anytime. From the File menu, choose the Maintenance command, and then the Backup command. The Backup Wizard will tell you more about this option. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Backup CardScan.net$ CardScan.Net Synchronization will maintain identical contacts in your CardScan.Net account and desktop CardScan. Use the CardScan.Net menu to choose how the contacts are synchronized. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Using QuickSearch$ You can use the Esc key as a shortcut to move the cursor to the QuickSearch box. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Activate QuickSearch in the List view$ QuickSearch activates automatically when you start typing text anywhere in the List view. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,QuickSearch multiple files$ You can do a QuickSearch with multiple files open. When CardScan finds all contacts in a file, it lists them in the Contact List and the List view. To view contacts found in other open files, click filenames on the File Bar. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Exchange with PIMs and contact managers$ You can copy contacts to and from your favorite contact manager or personal information managers (PIM). To use the best method for your purpose, follow the Data Exchange Wizard. From the File menu, choose Data Exchange, then choose Wizard from the additional menu. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Exchange with PIMs and contact managers$ You can maintain the same data in your CardScan file and in your contact manager using CardScan Synchronization. You can synchronize the files manually or automatically, using AutoSync. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Exchange with PIMs and contact managers$ If you always transfer contacts to the same contact manager, you can replace the generic Transfer button with the button for your contact manager. To use this option, start the transfer, and use the Transfer dialog to select your contact manager and the option for the button. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,AutoSync$ You can use AutoSync to synchronize CardScan with a host of popular contact managers automatically. You can set up automatic synchronization to occur as the data changes as well as according to a schedule convenient for you. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Check card details$ The ellipses (...) in the Name and Address labels in the Edit view indicate hidden dialog boxes. Click on Name or Address and use the Check Card Details dialog to verify contact information. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Include Back of Card$ If a card has information on both sides, you can add an image of the back of the card to the contact's record. Select the contact in the List view or open it in the Edit or Summary view; then choose the Scan Back of Card command from the Card menu. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Batch Scanning Options$ You can assign Categories and Notes to a batch of cards automatically, during scanning. Choose Batch Options from the Scanning Options dialog that appears when you scan a card. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,See a history of opened files$ You can see a history of the files you have opened at the bottom of the File menu. CardScan displays the full drive, directory, and name of the last four files you opened. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Reaching out$ You can create emails, dial phone numbers, visit websites, and display street addresses on MapQuest directly from the contact's Summary view. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Categories$ By assigning categories to your contacts, you can create virtual groups of contacts to use for particular projects. You can choose categories from CardScan's list or create your own. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Categories$ If any contacts in your file are assigned to categories, these categories are listed above contact names in the Contact List. Click on a category in the Contact List, and CardScan lists all contacts in the file assigned to this category. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Categorize a card$ You can assign any number of categories to a contact in a CardScan file. In the Edit or Summary view, click the Categories tab and click the categories you want to assign to the contact. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Categorize multiple cards$ You can assign any number of categories to multiple contacts in a CardScan file. In the List view, select the contacts you want to assign to the same categories. From the Categories menu, choose the Assign command. In the Assign Categories dialog, click the categories you want to assign. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Find category$ You can find all the contacts that are assigned one or several categories. From the Categories menu, choose the Find command. In the Find Cards with Category dialog, click categories to find; then click OK. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Copy Settings$ The Copy Settings feature allows you to choose the contact's fields to be dragged and dropped or transferred to another application. From the Edit menu, choose the Copy Settings command, and select the fields you want copied. Save the new settings for future use. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Find Duplicates$ Guided by the Duplicates Wizard, you can quickly find and safely remove duplicate information from your file. From the Card menu, choose Find Duplicates. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Big Picture$ With a large monitor, you can view the card image in the Big Picture -- a separate, resizable window. Then, you can work on Notes and Categories without losing sight of the Big Picture. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Printing$ CardScan's Print Wizard helps you choose the best formats and layouts for printing any special project you have. Choose Print from the File menu in any CardScan view or from the context-sensitive menu in the List view. Follow the wizard's instructions to define and preview output. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Check details$ You can check details of Names and Addresses to prevent misplacement of unusual information (suffixes, prefixes, and the like). Click the label for the Name or Address field and use the Check Card Details dialog. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Synchronize with PDAs$ You can copy contacts to and from your Palm handheld or Pocket PC device. To use the best method for your purpose, follow the Data Exchange Wizard. From the File menu, choose Data Exchange, then choose Wizard from the additional menu. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Create an export template$ You can create your own CardScan export template for use with any application that can import text files. From the File menu choose Data Exchange -> Export and follow the instructions to create a new template. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Create an import template$ You can create your own import templates to import contacts from other applications that can export text files. From the File menu, choose Data Exchange -> Import. Open the text file you want to import, and use the Import dialog to create a new template. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,AccuCard Service$ If you use the AccuCard Service, you can receive information updates provided by your contacts themselves. Contacts with available updates will be marked with red flags in your desktop file. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,AccuCard Service$ If you choose updating your contacts via AccuCard Service automatically, CardScan records the update details in the Notes fields of updated contacts. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Share files$ You can share CardScan files with your team over a network -- yet protect your contact information with passwords. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,QuickSearch$ To find contacts in large files more quickly, click the QuickSearch button, and use the QuickSearch dialog to combine several search criteria. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Context-sensitive menus$ You can use right-click, context-sensitive menus to preview and print cards in the List view. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Reaching out$ You can quickly create an email to any number of contacts in your file, if they have valid email addresses. Select contacts in the List view, and click the email button on the QuickAccess Bar. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Reaching out$ You can sign your Outlook emails with your CardScan Signature Card. To create your Signature Card, choose the Signature Card command from the Tools menu. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Reaching out$ You can turn your Signature Card on and off in Outlook, on the Mail Format tab of the Options dialog. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,vCard$ You can drag and drop entire cards from CardScan into other vCard-compatible applications and vice versa. You can even drag and drop entire contacts from Web sites directly into CardScan's List view. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $,Scan in checks$ You can build a customer database by scanning checks received from the customers directly into CardScan.