// // // SEtmpltE.txt // Spanish-English Sample Templates for Power Translator 6.x // // // ********************************************************************* // NOUN DE NOUN = NOUN // // Example: ama de casa = housewife // // SOURCE.1 = ama; SOURCE.2 = casa; TARGET.1 = housewife // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Top Traverse; Stage = Disambiguation; Key = SOURCE.1 ==> <1 SetAttr Noun> <2 SetAttr Preposition> <3 SetAttr Noun Strength=50>; // RULESET2 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 / / / \ \ / / / / \ \ \ \ \ ==> <1> / <1.1.1> / < Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.1"> \ <1.1 Delete> <1.2 Delete> <1.2.1 Delete> <1.2.2 Delete> < Delete> < Delete> < Delete> \; // ********************************************************************* // NOUN1 DE NOUN2 = NOUN2 NOUN1 // // Example: certificado de nacimiento = birth certificate // Example: agencia de viajes = travel agency // // SOURCE.1 = certificado; SOURCE.2 = nacimiento; // TARGET.1 = birth; TARGET.2 = certificate // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Top Traverse; Stage = Disambiguation; Key = SOURCE.1 ==> <1 SetAttr Noun> <2 SetAttr Preposition> <3 SetAttr Noun Strength=50>; // RULESET2 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 / / / \ \ / / / / \ \ \ \ \ ==> <1> / <1.1.1> / AddStringNode "TARGET.1" < Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.2"> \ <1.1 Delete> <1.2 Delete> <1.2.1 Delete> <1.2.2 Delete> < Delete> < Delete> < Delete> \; // ===================================================================== // NOUN ADJECTIVE = ADJECTIVE NOUN (Idiomatic usage) // // Examples: acogida calurosa = warm welcome // deuda externa = foreign debt // // SOURCE.1 = acogida; SOURCE.2 = caluroso; // TARGET.1 = warm; TARGET.2 = welcome // // Notice that the adjective is in its non-inflected form. // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Top Traverse; Stage = Disambiguation; Key = SOURCE.1 ==> <1 SetAttr Noun> <2 SetAttr Adjective>; // RULESET2 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 / / \ \ / / \ \ ==> <2> / <2.1> / <2.1.1 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.1"> \ \ <1> / <1.1> / <1.1.1 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.2"> \ \; // ********************************************************************* // // VERB FRAMES // // ********************************************************************* // ********************************************************************* // VERB + DIRECT OBJECT ==> VERB // // Example: contraer matrimonio ==> get married // // SOURCE.1 = contraer; SOURCE.2 = matrimonio; TARGET.1 = get married // // "contraer" Obj (SX_Direct, Word=="matrimonio") // ==> "get married" Make (SX_Direct,SX_Direct,Primary.Target.Hidden=True); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj(SX_Direct,Primary.Word=="SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Make (SX_Direct,SX_Direct,Primary.Target.Hidden=True); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + DIRECT OBJECT ==> VERB(different meaning) + DIRECT OBJECT // // Example: despedir a una persona ==> fire someone // // SOURCE.1 = despedir; TARGET.1 = fire // // "despedir" Obj (SX_Direct, Primary.IsAttr Noun+Occupation) // ==> "fire"; // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj(SX_Direct,Primary.IsAttr Noun) ==> "TARGET.1"; // ********************************************************************* // VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT ==> VERB + DIRECT OBJECT // // Example: acordarse de ==> remember // // SOURCE.1 = acordarse; SOURCE.2 = de; TARGET.1 = remember // // "acordarse" Obj ("de") // ==> "remember" Make ("de",SX_Direct); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 (non-reflexive form) "SOURCE.1" Obj("SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Make("SOURCE.2",SX_Direct); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT ==> VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT // // Example: preocuparse por ==> worry about // // SOURCE.1 = preocuparse; SOURCE.2 = por; TARGET.1 = worry TARGET.2 = about // // "preocuparse" Obj ("de") // ==> "worry" Make ("de","about"); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 (non-reflexive form) "SOURCE.1" Obj("SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Make("SOURCE.2", "TARGET.2");