NOTES ON THE HP DESKJET CONTROL PANEL FOR DOS, VERSION 2.0 (1/9/95) ============================================================== NOTE: To print this file, enter "PRINT README2.TXT" at the DOS (C:\DESKJET>) prompt. (The default [PRN] is LPT1. If you have connected the printer to another port, enter that port in the command line, for example, LPT2 for parallel port 2). ============================================================= CONTENTS ============================================================= Using the DeskJet Control Panel Command Line Switches Installation Troubleshooting Problems Known Problems ============================================================= USING THE DESKJET CONTROL PANEL ============================================================= ACCESSING THE CONTROL PANEL (NON-RESIDENT) ------------------------------------------ To access the Control Panel, type "DJCP" at the DOS (C:\DESKJET>) prompt. If the \DESKJET directory is in your PATH, you can access the Control Panel from any directory. USING THE DESKJET CONTROL PANEL AS A RESIDENT PROGRAM ----------------------------------------------------- You can run the Control Panel as a memory-resident program. A memory-resident program is a program that is available even when other software programs are running. The Control Panel is accessed from within your software program through a hot-key. The default hot-key for the Control Panel is "<Alt> p". The memory-resident Control Panel reports the current status of the printer and lets you select print quality, orientation, and font size settings. There are two ways to load the Control Panel as a memory-resident program: * Type "DJCPTSR" at the DOS (C:\>) prompt. * Make the Control Panel resident through the non-resident version as follows: 1. Type "DJCP" at the DOS (C:\>) prompt. 2. Click "More Settings" in the Control Panel. 3. Click "Memory-Resident Functions". 4. Click "Make Memory-Resident" and follow instructions. 5. Reboot your computer. This will cause the memory resident Control Panel to be loaded through your AUTOEXEC.BAT file every time you reboot. UNLOADING THE MEMORY-RESIDENT CONTROL PANEL ------------------------------------------- To unload the memory-resident control panel: Type "DJCPTSR /U" at the DOS (C:\>) prompt. NOTE: You can unload the memory-resident Control Panel only if it is the last loaded memory-resident program. If it is not the last loaded memory-resident program, the system displays an error message. PREVENT FUTURE LOADING OF THE MEMORY-RESIDENT CONTROL PANEL ----------------------------------------------------------- * Remove the Control Panel through the non-resident version as follows: 1. Type "DJCP" at the DOS (C:\>) prompt. 2. Click "More Settings" in the Control Panel. 3. Click "Memory-Resident Functions". 4. Click "Undo Memory-Resident" and follow instructions. 5. Reboot your computer. This will remove the line from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file that automatically loads the memory-resident Control Panel. ============================================================== COMMAND LINE SWITCHES ============================================================== /Dx Specifies the model number of the printer to which the Control Panel is connected. /Px Specifies the parallel port to which the printer is connected. Valid values for "x" are 1, 2, or 3. If this switch is not included, the Control Panel will default to the port it used the last time you ran the Control Panel (or the value set during installation if you have not used the control panel before). /? Displays help about using the DJCP command. /H Displays help about using the DJCP command. /M Changes the colors used in the Control Panel to be compatible with monochrome displays. /U Removes the memory-resident Control Panel from memory. See the instructions in the "UNLOADING THE MEMORY-RESIDENT CONTROL PANEL" section of this file for detailed information. (The /U switch works only with the DJCPTSR command.) Example: To select the printer on parallel port 2 (lpt2), type "DJCP /P2" at the DOS (C:\>) prompt. ============================================================== INSTALLATION TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEMS ============================================================== If a screen with the message "Communication cannot be established between the printer and the computer to which it is connected" is displayed during installation, the installation program has been unable to establish two-way communications with the printer. The problem may be caused by one of the following conditions: * The printer is turned off. * A printer interface cable problem. * Use of a switch box or fax accessory. * Your printer is connected to a network. * Your computer's parallel port, cable, or switch box does not support two-way communication. Some printer interface cables and switch boxes do not support all 25 lines on the parallel port. This is required for two-way communication between the computer and the printer. You may still be able to print. Try printing a document. If it prints, you can use the printer, but some printer functions will not be available. If you have set up your printer according to the First Time Setup instructions in the user's guide for your printer and your printer is still not printing, replace the printer interface cable. If replacing the cable does not solve the problem, call the HP Customer Support Center. ============================================================== KNOWN PROBLEMS ============================================================== Changing Print Settings While a Document is Printing ---------------------------------------------------- If print settings are changed through the Control Panel while a document is currently printing, the printout may be corrupted, and the printer may not receive the new settings. Printing in Landscape Orientation --------------------------------- This feature is provided for use with programs that do not provide the capability of printing in landscape. If your program supports printing in landscape, make sure that the orientation in the Control Panel is set to Portrait. Some programs will print incorrectly if the printer is set to landscape orientation in the Control Panel. These include Microsoft Word for DOS, Microsoft Works for DOS, Harvard Graphics for DOS, and AutoCAD. To print in landscape from these programs, set the orientation in the program, NOT in the Control Panel. Mouse Drivers ------------- If you are having problems using the mouse with the memory-resident Control Panel, make sure the load command for the Control Panel is after the load command for your mouse driver in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to place the line "C:\DESKJET\DJCPTSR.EXE" after the mouse driver line. Hot-Key conflicts ----------------- Microsoft Works and Broderbund Print Shop Deluxe: The default hot-key (<Alt> p) used for the memory-resident version of the HP DeskJet Control Panel conflicts with the print key sequence (<Alt> p) for Microsoft Works and Broderbund Print Shop Deluxe. To use the Control Panel with these programs, redefine the hot-key through the non-resident Control Panel. To do this, run DJCP from the DOS prompt. Incompatibilities ----------------- Microsoft Flight Simulator: The memory-resident Control Panel is not compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator. Running the memory-resident Control Panel from within Microsoft Flight Simulator may cause errors.