CONTENTS 1) Starting Solution-Pac 97 2) Starting Solution-Pac 97 / WAN 3) What you have to know 4) Information about pager/mail (Jericho) - Using MAPI-Mail driver - Session closure under Windows NT - Creating a new BIP driver ----------------------------- 1) Starting Solution-Pac 97 =========================== Shutdown -------- This function is starting automatically during the boot of the station Starting - Click on the icon "Solution-Pac 97 Start" Stopping - Click on the icon "Solution-Pac 97 Stop" Management ---------- Shutdown function must be running Starting - Click on the icon "Solution-Pac 97 Manager" Pageur/Mail utility ------------------- Starting - Click on the icon "Jericho" 2) Starting Solution-Pac 97 / WAN ================================= Communication : UM-Agent ------------------------ This function is starting automatically during the boot of the computer Starting - Click on the icon "SP 97 - WAN Start Comm." Stopping - Click on the icon "SP 97 - WAN Stop Comm." Shutdown : UM-Client -------------------- This function is starting automatically during the boot of the computer Starting - Click on the icon "SP 97 - WAN Start Monitoring" Stopping - Click on the icon "SP 97 - WAN Stop Monitoring" Management ---------- Shutdown function must be running Starting - Click on the icon "SP 97 - WAN Start Manager" Stopping - Click on the icon "SP 97 - WAN Stop Manager" Pageur/Mail utility ------------------- Starting - Click on the icon "Jericho" 3) What you have to know ======================== Solution-Pac 97 NT workstation : sending messages on UPS events --------------------------------------------------------------- To allow the software to send messages, you must activate the NT message service on your station. Solution-Pac 97 Windows : Messages for Novell environment --------------------------------------------------------- With some specifics operating system configurations, when our module named Jericho is starting, it could send the two following messages : "IPX Not installed" and "Unable to start SPX" in two windows titled "Interface NetWare-Windows for Jericho". If you want to be connected with a NetWare server, you have to check if the client for NetWare is correctly installed. If you don't need to be connected to NetWare, it is possible to suppress the two messages, modifing file UPSMAN\MMI\JERICHO\Jericho.ini To do so, you have to disable the "Deport_Netware= ... " control key in section "[Modules] (adding comment character ";" at the beginning of the line) NOTA : The messages refered above will not disturb our software, except to communicate with a NetWare server. UM-Client Netware : Using the AUTORUN.NLM module ------------------------------------------------ Purpose: - executing a Netware command or a NCF file followed by a character string simulating a keyboard entry. There's no check: - upon the module execution, without error. - upon the file accessibility defined by the search path. Syntax: The syntax is : load autorun /command /character string Warning: This module is provided on the CDROM but isn't copied during the Solution-Pac 97 install procedure. Under OS2 --------- Under OS2, users are strongly advised not to use the manager to supervise a UM-Agent installed ON THE SAME station. IN THIS CASE, the windows emulation used by the manager reserves significant resources and saturates the processor. UM-Agent OS2 and WARP Connect : SNMP configuration -------------------------------------------------- Installation has to be done on the computer connected to the UPS for OS/2 and OS/2 LAN Server systems. The installation process will also modify your system startup file (startup.cmd), if this one already exists. Your startup.cmd file should comprise at least the following commands according to your configuration in order to allow UM-Agent automatic startup : @echo off rem ------ start TCP/IP call tcpstart.cmd rem ------ start SNMP Agent start /b /min snmpd (OS/2) start /b /min snmpd -dpi tcp (WARP Connect) SCO UNIX Open Server enterprise system 5.0 ------------------------------------------ With this operating system only use its specific cable to link the UPS and your computer (to get it fill in the form and return it by fax). 4) Information about pager/mail (Jericho) ========================================= Using MAPI-Mail driver ---------------------- The MAPI-Mail driver of JERICHO uses the messaging interface of Windows 95/NT (MAPI). It can function only if the MICROSOFT EXCHANGE module is installed and correctly configured. To open and configure Microsoft Exchange, double-click on the Microsoft Exchange icon on the desktop. Under Windows NT, when JERICHO is automatically launched, it functions as a service and is not attached to a user context. It has not therefore access to user profiles created by Microsoft Exchange. To use the MAPI-Mail driver under Windows NT, it is necessary to launch JERICHO from the desktop (from the "Start" menu or by adding it to the "Startup" group). The syntax to use to define the address of the receiver when dispatching a message through the MAPI-Mail driver depends on the messaging service selected. For the basic services installed under Windows 95 and Windows NT, this syntax is the following: -> Internet Mail Use the e-mail address of the receiver -> Microsoft Mail : Use the syntaxe : NETWORK/POSTOFFICE/MAILBOX with NETWORK = network name (generally "Windows") POSTOFFICE = MS-Mail server MAILBOX = mailbox of the receiver To know parameters to use, open the address book of Microsoft Exchange ("Tools" menu) and double-click on the name of the desired receiver. Session closure under Windows NT -------------------------------- When JERICHO is automatically launched at Windows start, it is running as e service. For reasons of to long closure time at Windows shutdown, JERICHO must anticipate its closure on receipt of log off message. For this reason, JERICHO is stopped when the user logs off the system. Creating a new BIP driver ------------------------- Le gestionnaire "Bip" peut être paramétré pour appeler tout type de bips : service de bip intégré à l'autocom de l'entreprise, système de recherche de personnes, service de bip public. Lorsqu'on a paramétré ce gestionnaire pour l'utilisation d'un service de bip particulier, il est possible de le duppliquer puis de le renommer pour en faire un nouveau gestionnaire (à l'exemple du gestionnaire "Tatoo"). The "Bip" driver can be setup to call all type bips : bip service integrated to the enterprise pabx, person research system, public bip paging service. When the bip driver is setup for use of a specific bip service, it can be duplicated then renamed to make a new driver (as Tatoo). To do it : 1) Setup the "Bip" driver with appropriate values and modify its name (for example : Bip -> Bip-New) 2) In the file "BIP.INI", at the "[Drivers]" entry, copy the first line ("0=Bip-New" in the example) and add it at the end of the entry with the number following the last defined driver. Then rename the first driver in the file. [Drivers] ----> [Drivers] 0=Bip-New 0=Bip 1=Tatoo 1=Tatou 2=Bip-New 3) In the file "PAGER.INI", at the "[Drivers]" entry, add a line to identify the new driver : [Drivers] Bip=100,Bip.DLL,0,1 Tatoo=101,Bip.DLL,1,1 ---> [Drivers] Bip=100,Bip.DLL,0,1 Tatoo=101,Bip.DLL,1,1 Bip-New=102,Bip.DLL,2,1