Versa Ultralite Series L4XAW3.EXE UltraLite Versa/VersaPad Windows Video 12-21-93 Date: 12/22/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x L4XBLITE.EXE UltraLite Versa backlight switch full/standard Date: 07/08/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x L4XBRITE.EXE UltraLite Versa setting brightness full/standard Date: 07/08/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x L4XLITE.EXE Bright.exe and Backlight.exe for Versa Date: 05/04/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x L4XMOD.EXE UltraLite Versa - & Videomod.txt files Date: 09/02/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x L4XSRN.EXE UltraLite Versa Screen enhancement utility Date: 08/18/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x L4XSWAP.EXE UltraLite Versa VGA & SVGA Windows video Utility Date: 08/17/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x NOINTRLC.ZIP Versa 1024x768x16 Non-Interlaced driver Date: 06/17/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x VERGRAPH.EXE Versa graphics utility for DOS apps - self extracting Date: 09/29/93 for DOS and Windows 3.x