Versa LXi Series ASKEYMODEM-562.EXE Mini-PCI Askey modem drivers. These drivers are for the modem only device that comes standard with the Versa LXi, VX and VXi. For systems with the optional combo Modem/LAN, the Xircom drivers should be used instead. Replaces LXi&VX-Askeymodem.exe -- Ver 5.62 ASKEYMODEM-566.EXE Askey Mini-PCI modem driver version 5.66 for Windows 2000. This driver is not for the Xircom Mini-PCI combo LAN/Modem option. Replaes LXi-VX-Askey566-2k.exe ver 5.66 for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000 LXI&VX-ASKEYMODEM.EXE Askey Mini-PCI modem drivers (Lucent v5.62) for Versa LXi and VX. for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000 XIRCOM-MODEM-1513.EXE Xicom Mini-PCI modem driver v.1.51.3 for Windows 95/ 98/NT. These drivers are only for the optional combo Modem/LAN internal Mini-PCI device. For systems with the standard modem-only Mini-PCI device, the Askey modem drivers should be used instead. ver 1.51.3 for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4 XIRCOM-MODEM182-2K.EXE Versa LXi, VX and VXi LAN only drivers for internal Xircom Mini-PCI LAN/modem combo. These drivers are not for Xircom modem, nor for NEC LAN Mini-PCI option. Replaces LXi-VX0XircomLAN85-2k.exe version for Windows 2000